Friday, July 22, 2011

Iran 1953

The United States organized the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammed Mossadegh. He became disposable after he tried to nationalize Iranian oil companies.  This was supposedly a covert mission; however, the United States's fingerprints were all over this coup. 
This was a failure. The United States sloppily tried to eliminate Mossadegh without thinking of the consequences. In this case the consequences were dire. The shah of Iran who retook power after Mossadegh was oust was extremely oppressive and turned the Iranians against the United States. The move to overthrow Mossadegh was selfish and it appeared that way to other countries in the reason. In the long run, the negative effects of Iranian non-compliance far outweigh the less than a quarter of a century oil benefits enjoyed by ousting Mossadegh. 
The Bottom Line:
A overall terrible decision. The risks far outnumbered the benefits. The fact that this covert mission was obviously a United States plot did not help either. The United States still must face the repercussions of its actions in this coup today. The current Iranian government carries a direct link to animosity toward the United States after this coup. For this and other reason this piece of foreign military policy was a...


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